Legal Information

Legal information of Madd Gear LLC
(as of 18.01.2023)


We regularly check and update the information on our websites. Despite all care, the data may have changed in the meantime. Therefore, we cannot guarantee that all information provided is up-to-date, correct and complete. The same applies to all other websites to which we refer with hyperlinks and to which we redirect the user.

We will make changes or additions to the information provided as soon as we deem it necessary.

Hyperlinks, third-party content If we make third-party content accessible via hyperlinks, this is only for our own responsibility and does not constitute advice from us. The services, recommendations or information presented there are not made in our name or on our behalf and have not been checked by us. We therefore assume no liability for third-party content.

Copyright - The content and structure of our website are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires our prior consent.